I came across a piece of writing by Osho and it was really striking that he too preaches/teaches the same things as Buddha did. He too mentioned that the ultimate truth is what one has to learn by himself. He can just show the path or the way it can be achieved. This may work for one and may not for the other. He speaks about the similar meditation techniques as Vipassana.
The consciousness shrouds the knowledge. The consciousness is the golden lid under which lies the divine knowledge. One has to dare to break away the lid for the quest. Conscious mind is a turbulent sea of thoughts. The loud thoughts at the top make so much noise that one forgets about the tranquility that lies beneath. I say this as I have experienced how difficult is to tame the mind and calm the boisterous thoughts.
Just to summarize I cut copy paste the lines by Osho -
Death is known only through dying
and truth is known only through diving deep within oneself.